Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. At, we follow a few fundamental principles to protect your information.

Information Collection

We don’t ask for personal information unless we truly need it. We don’t store personal information on our servers unless required for ongoing operations. We don’t share your personal information except to comply with the law, develop our products, or protect our rights.

Activity Log

This feature records activities of registered users. Data used includes user email address, role, login, display name, and more. Activity tracked includes login attempts, post updates, comments, plugin management, and user management. Retention duration depends on the site’s plan and activity type.


Ads feature is available on Premium and Professional plans. Data collected includes IP address, geographical data, user agent, operating system, and more. Activity tracked includes ad impressions, video events, and ad click events. Data is stored for 30 days, with unique user IDs retained for one year.


Image views are recorded if the site owner enables image view stats tracking. Data used includes IP address, user ID, user agent, visiting URL, and more. Activity tracked includes image views.

Comment Likes

This feature is accessible to users logged in to Data used includes user ID, username, local site-specific user ID, and a true/false data point for comment likes. Activity tracked includes comment likes.

Contact Form

If Akismet is enabled, contact form data is submitted to Akismet for spam checking. Data used includes IP address, user agent, name, email address, website, and message. The data is stored in the site’s database and emailed to the form owner.

Google Analytics

Available to Premium and Professional plans. Data used includes order number, product id and name, product category, total cost, and quantity of items purchased. Activity tracked includes page view events and WooCommerce events like shopping cart additions and removals.

Gravatar Hovercards

This feature sends a hash of the user’s email address to the Gravatar service to retrieve their profile image.

Infinite Scroll

Data used includes IP address, user ID, user agent, visiting URL, and more. Activity tracked includes page views with each additional load.

Jetpack Comments

Data used includes commenter’s name, email address, site URL, timestamp, and IP address. Activity tracked includes the comment author’s name, email address, and site URL stored in cookies.


Available to users logged in to Data used includes IP address, user ID, username, site ID, post ID, user agent, and more. Activity tracked includes post likes.

Mobile Theme

Data used includes a visitor’s preference on viewing the mobile version of a site. Activity tracked includes a cookie stored for 3.5 days to remember the preference.


Accessible to registered users of the site logged in to Data used includes IP address, user ID, username, site ID, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, and more. Activity tracked includes sending notifications, opening notifications, and performing actions from within the notification panel.


Data used includes attempting user’s IP address, email address/username, and all IP-related HTTP headers. Activity tracked includes failed login attempts. A cookie is set for one day to remember successful math captcha completion.


Available to Professional plan sites. Data used includes visitor-chosen search filters and query data.


Data used when sharing content via email includes sharing party’s name, email address, IP address, and user agent. This data is sent to Akismet for spam checking and may be shared with reCAPTCHA by Google.

Simple Payments

Available to Premium and Professional plans. Data used includes transaction amount, currency, product title, price, order quantity, PayPal payer ID, and transaction ID. Activity tracked includes payment completion tracking events.


Data used includes subscriber’s email address and post or comment ID. Server data includes HTTP request headers, IP address, and URI. Activity tracked includes functionality cookies set for 347 days to remember subscription choices.

Video Hosting

Available to Premium and Professional plans. Data used includes viewer’s IP address, user ID, username, user agent, visiting URL, and more. Activity tracked includes video plays.

WooCommerce Services

Data used includes purchase total, currency, billing information, taxes, checkout rates, and shipping labels. Data synced includes purchase total, currency, and customer’s billing information to the payment processor. Secure Sign On

Accessible to registered users of the site with accounts. Data used includes user ID, role, email address, username, and display name. Activity tracked includes login process events. Stats

Data used includes IP address, user ID, username, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp, browser language, and country code. Activity tracked includes post and page views, video plays, outbound link clicks, referring URLs, and search engine terms. Toolbar

Accessible to registered users of the site logged in to Data used includes Gravatar image URL, user ID, username, site ID, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp, browser language, and country code. Activity tracked includes click actions within the toolbar.