Country information Egypt

Egypt has a lot to offer: pyramids, impressive temples, tombs with unique tomb paintings, famous museums, lively bazaars, the fascinating capital Cairo, an impressive Nile landscape, vast deserts, Lake Nasser, Sinai and the Red Sea with its sandy beaches and one unique underwater world.

Some data about the country:


Size: 1 million square kilometers, 4% of which can be used for agriculture

Climate: Mediterranean (coast, Nile Delta) to desert (Cairo, Middle and Upper Egypt)

Capital: Cairo, approx. 19.5 million inhabitants (2018)

Population: approx. 110 million (2023)

National language: Official language is Modern Standard Arabic / Colloquial language: Egyptian Arabic dialect / English, and to a lesser extent French, are common as business languages

Religion: approx. 90% Islam (Sunni), 8-10% Christianity (Coptic).

In Egypt we offer you the widest variety of trips with different focuses. But of course we also put together a trip to Egypt according to your individual wishes. Be inspired by our trips and/or get an overview of everything that is possible in Egypt under the headings “Destinations”.

Our special trip focus could be divided in the following:

1- We might be the only tourist company in Egypt to offer different Fly & Drive tours.

You come by plane. 

We handle over a 4×4 car to you.

Our leading car and guide is showing you the way.

2- Explore Egypt by a tour on  water – we might be one of the very few companies who offers you a huge variety of different options on Lake Nasser, The Nile, or the Red Sea.

You will have following choices:

A) Luxury Safari Boat on Lake Nasser, either from Aswan to Abu Simbel or from Abu Simbel to Aswan you can also charter the entire boat for small groups contact us

B) Nice Dahabeyas (Sailing boats) either from Aswan to Esna or from Esna to Aswan

C) Nile Cruises either from Aswan to Luxor or from Luxor to Aswan

D) Liveaboard a diving tour starting either from Hurghada or Port Ghaleb, here we have a variety of four different trips. You could choose between the Classical Northern Route, Coral Gardens, Diving Highlights, Wreck Diving

3- Egypt Oasis and Desert. here we have a very wide variety between complete tours or just a few days. You can also choose between the Western Desert or Eastern Desert. The last option would be the accommodation you can choose between camping, hotels or lodges.

We are the only company  that offers weekly departures from Cairo via the oasis to Luxor and from Luxor via the oasis to Cairo. Here you have a further alternative beside flying, the road and the railroad.

If you would like to visit the oasis in a slower motion you can book here your Grand Oasis tour

Or for further offers you can click here.

4- Cultural tours these can’t miss in connection with Egypt. Beside that we offer all the main attraction we upgrade our tours with special accommodations or combination with Natural parks or with plenty of optional trips.

Life live Egypt.

Egyptian Milestone

Highlights of Egypt


If you then have an idea of ​​what you would like to see in Egypt, simply give us a call or send us an email and let us know your travel wishes. We will work out an individual trip through Egypt for you free of charge and without obligation according to your specifications.

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